Tuesday 27 November 2012


I have been interviewing real estate agents for the ‘big house sell’. 

Is it strange that I don’t trust any of them?  I usually trust most people (and unfortunately sometimes get ‘bitten on the bum!’); but such is life.

Selling is pretty stressful for lots of reasons, no less the fact that you feel everyone is out to get you; especially the real estate agent.

This week, a house up the road was advertised for $90,000 more than it sold for.  Was this a typical agent putting the price too high, only to blame the market, lack of buyers, Christmas, etc, etc, etc.  My guess is ... yes!

Like used car salesman and lawyers, you always feel a real estate agent is pulling the wool over your eyes.  So, who do I choose?

-          The one who values my house the highest? No, I am realistic about the value of my home.

-          The one who talks about the way she 'plays the buyers off against each other' to get the best deal for you (and herself), and advocates ‘set sale’. No, I don’t want to know the slimy ins and outs, just do it.

-          The one who subscribes to the ‘Jenman’ real estate philosophy – with only open for inspection, but won’t answer the commission question from a direct answer. Hmm, this guy’s tempting, as he really pushed the honesty factor and when I researched I found a whole realm of information on the Jenman style (not to be confused with Gun Num style – although Gun Num would be more fun!) However, he was a real ‘salesman’ with the smooth questions and answers but forgetting the answers I had already given. 

-          The one who has a mix of all styles, offers free styling advice and a handyman at fixed cost, honestly advises that his commission is high compared to some other agents but doesn't charge commission unless he sells - only charge marketing.  This one didn't want to chat or find out personal circumstances, and agreed with selling price of the ‘Jenman’ man. This may be the one I go with ...

Do I trust any of them?  No. 

Do I have to? 

Maybe with the real estate agents; like dress shop girls (who tells you that you look fabulous) and builders (who you have to go with because no one else would do a small job) you just have to make the best of it.  They have you where they want you, because you need them.

I will prepare myself for disappointment; but wouldn't it be nice to be pleasantly surprised. 

Thursday 22 November 2012


Too few posts in the past few weeks.  Trying to sell my 'normal' suburban house.

Beside the stuff needed to make it 'sell-able' (gardening/painting/decluttering etc etc etc....) I am also busy  finding a real estate agent; while trying to hold down a job; plus my normal life 'other things' (many of which are none existent ....jogging?  what is that?).  Yes; excuses; excuses!

Will be back on line once I have finished 'scrubbing'!

Tuesday 13 November 2012


There is a small surf shop tucked away on the main drag in Torquay, Victoria.  It has this gorgeous garden out the front as part of its shop front.

Love the rusted tins, succulents and the chili plants.  Great place to wait for customers in the sun!

Thursday 8 November 2012


I attended a seminar yesterday that focused on courage..doing things you may not feel comfortable with, in order to get where you want to go.  The presenter was Margie Worrell.

Margie encourages us to 1. identify where were wanted to go or what we wanted to achieve   2. take the first step out of our comfort zone and 3. see where the ride takes us.

This covers all aspects of your life ...love.. career... education etc.

Below are Margies  10 Commandments of Courage.

FIRSTLY - DREAM BIG. Trust Yourself    
No matter what happens, you can handle it.  You are capable of more than you
think you are. Really!

II. Question Assumptions   
Don’t hang on to beliefs that no longer serve you. The only limits you have are
those you’ve convinced yourself of.  Assumptions are the death of possibilities.

III. Do What’s Right 
Be true to yourself above everything else…however inconvenient or difficult.
Integrity is the only path upon which you’ll never get lost.  

IV. Stop Complaining   
You can’t solve your problems by whining about them. Focus your energy on what
you want, not on what you don’t; on what you can do, no on what you can’t. 

V. Think Bigger 
Refuse to settle for mediocrity.  Set your sights high and know that if you can
dream it, you can do it. All great accomplishments first begin in the imagination.

VI. Resist Conformity   
Don’t let others’ opinions run your life and surrender to conformity. Express your
individuality. Be your own person. Forge your own path. 

VII. Speak Up 
You get what you tolerate. If there’s something you really want to say, chances are
someone really needs to hear it. Be courageous in your conversations.  

VIII. Don’t Quit  
Success demands perseverance.  Adversity builds resilience. Setbacks are 
opportunities to show the universe what you’re made of.  Press on.

IX. Say No   
Say no to the good to make room for the great.  Refuse to succumb to people
pleasing at the expense of your own sanity and fulfillment.

X. Take Action  
Life rewards those who take action in the presence of their fear and refuse to give in
to self doubt . Nothing great has ever been achieved without an element of risk. So
feel your fear and do it anyway! Fortune favors the bold. 

I have a dream ........... what's your dream?

Tuesday 6 November 2012


I recently started following a blog http://fatmumslim.com.au/... a lovely gentle blog about everyday things, ‘living life inspired’.  Chantelle – the blogger – has this great ‘competition’ ‘Photo a day’. 

I have submitted two photos so far and hopefully my creativity will begin to rise and I can snap more.

My something starting with C was 'Cactus in the CBD'

My colour – 'Surf craft at Ocean Grove Beach'.